Without Words & More Without Words
A fun little series of wordless math puzzles.
(And some classroom posters.)

Avoid Hard Work!

How Round is a Cube?
… And Other Curious Mathematical Ponderings.
A collection of delightful mathematical pieces.
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Self-Published Books/Notes
I have a large number of self-published books on lulu.com — chiefly written while I was teaching high-school mathematics.
I have tomes on school GEOMETRY, on CALCULUS, and PROBABIITY and much more.
My best most popular notes are the THINKING MATHEMATICS series, which I am currently–slowly–rewriting.
Go to lulu.com and search under TANTON to see all that is available.
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Encyclopedia of Mathematics
Encyclopedia of Mathematics is a comprehensive one-volume encyclopedia designed for high school through early college students. More than 1,000 entries, numerous essays, and more than 150 photographs and illustrations cover the principal areas and issues that characterize this area of science. In order to provide a well-rounded, completely accessible reference, the author worked closely with teachers of all levels in developing subject material and a sound understanding of mathematical concepts, and on teaching analytical thinking.
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Mathematics Galore!
Mathematics Galore! Showcases some of the best activities and student outcomes of the St. Mark’s Institute of Mathematics and invites you to engage the mathematics yourself! Revel in the delight of deep intellectual play and marvel at the heights to which young scholars can rise. See some great mathematics explained and proved via natural and accessible means.
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Solve This: Math Activities for Students and Clubs
Sophisticated mathematics is accessible to all. Solve This proves it! It is a collection of intriguing mathematical problems and activities linked by common themes that involve working with objects from our everyday experience. Learn about the mathematical mysteries of a bagel, a checkerboard, and a pile of laundry, for example. Discover for yourself that wheels need not be round, that braids need not have free ends, that it is always best to turn around twice — and more! Mathematics is all around us. We all do mathematics everyday.
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Take your understanding to the next level with easy to understand books by James Tanton.

Guides & Solutions
Dive deeper into key topics through detailed, easy to follow guides and solution sets.