Exploding Dots
Exploding Dots are sweeping the globe! Consistently described as "mind blowing," this mathematical experience will completely revolutionize your thinking of school arithmetic, algebra, and beyond. Exploding Dots are so exciting that their story has thrilled millions -- YES MILLIONS -- of students and teachers and parents and administrators across the globe. They are a global phenomenon. (Check out too.)
ExploreFractions: Not Getting Them is Not Your Fault!
Are fractions "part of a whole"? Portions of pizza? Points on the number line? Are they numbers? I can add portions of pie, but I don't know how to multiply portions of pie. So, is the arithmetic of fractions we were taught meaningful? These notes for all those who are ready to make sense of fractions--finally!
ExploreGlobal Math Project Experiences
Exploding Dots, of course, is the exemplar topic of the Global Math Project--so be sure to check out them dots first! But here we are collating shorter experiences that explore curriculum-relevant topics via the GMP philosophy and approach. (If you have ideas you would like to develop too to share with the world, let us know!)
ExplorePermutations and Combinations
“Does order matter?” This single question causes endless headache and woe for student and teacher alike when forced to think in the paradigm of permutations and combinations. My advice: Don’t think that way! Here’s how to naturally and easily understand and do combinations and permutations without ever doing them!
This course is about the beauty and the thinking behind the quadratics: how to think about them and do them -- both their algebra and their graphing -- with natural ease and abundant joy. How? By being absolutely true to their story! An exploration of a quadratics unit is really an exploration of the power of symmetry, of seeing how this elegant idea so profoundly unites and simplifies. Symmetry is our friend! There really is no need to memorise anything once you realise this core feature of the topic. Use this course as an educator to transform your own approach to thinking about and teaching a unit on quadratics, and use these resources directly with your students too! Teach powerful problem-solving skills, mathematical self-agency, and confident deep understanding.

Take your understanding to the next level with easy to understand books by James Tanton.

Guides & Solutions
Dive deeper into key topics through detailed, easy to follow guides and solution sets.