Exploding Dots
13.1 Kid Videos by Kids for Kids
Sprinkled throughout the Exploding Dots materials are videos by Goldfish & Robin and friends explaining the various aspects of mathematics in beautiful and profound ways. I want these videos to be shared and well known in the world! They are truly tremendous. So I’ve featured them here in an easy-to-find and easy-to-see single spot.
Enjoy – and share!
Goldfish & Robin’s VISION STATEMENT: Why they make math videos and what they hope will come next.
They also offer some FUN ADVICE on how to create and play with the ideas of Exploding Dots.
As per Goldfish & Robin’s vision, if you have videos too of kids explaining Exploding Dots math to kids, let me know here. If all parental and guardian permissions are in place, I’d be delighted to post them.
Finally, you can read about the story of Goldfish & Robin, garner some advice for helping kids make videos, and more, by looking through the various articles in the WildThinks Blog.
Experience 1: Mechania
Goldfish & Robin and Friends demonstrate the \(1 \leftarrow 2\) machine. VIDEO
Friends demonstrate the \(1 \leftarrow 2\) machine (Spanish). VIDEO
May and Ray demonstrate the \(1 \leftarrow 3\) machine. VIDEO
Experience 2: Insighto
Goldfish & Robin and Friends explain the \(1 \leftarrow 2\) machine. VIDEO
Friends explain the \(1 \leftarrow 2\) machine (Spanish). VIDEO
Friends explain the \(1 \leftarrow 3\) machine (Spanish). VIDEO
More details of the \(1 \leftarrow 3\) machine. VIDEO
And here is a lovely STOP ANIMATION VIDEO by R.W. (high-school sophomore, South Hadley MA) explaining representations in multiple bases — and take note of the piano playing!
Experience 3: Arithmos
Goldfish & Robin and Friends explore addition further. VIDEO
Friends explain addition, in Spanish (and attempt to teach me Spanish too!) VIDEO
Explaining long multiplication in a \(1 \leftarrow 2\) machine. VIDEO
Explaining long multiplication in a \(1 \leftarrow 3\) machine. VIDEO
More than just multiplication in a \(1 \leftarrow 2\) machine. VIDEO
Linking multiplication to the distributive property. VIDEO
Experience 4: Antidotia
Goldfish & Robin discuss antidots. VIDEO
Goldfish & Robin and Friends explain subtraction. VIDEO
Experience 6: Eks
Goldfish & Robin and Friends explain polynomial division. VIDEO
Levi’s further explanation and practice. VIDEO
Goldfish & Robin multiply polynomials. VIDEO
Experience 7: Infinitia
Dani demonstrates the appearance of the geometric series formula. VIDEO
Experience 9: Weirdutopia
Goldfish & Robin demonstrate the mysterious \(2 \leftarrow 3\) machine. VIDEO
Goldfish & Robin give think about a theoretical question: VIDEO PART 1 and VIDEO PART 2.
Experience 12: MAKE SPACE
See also the FUN ADVICE video.
Goldfish & Robin explore two-dimensional machines. VIDEO

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