Exploding Dots
6.7 (Optional) Multiplying, Adding, and Subtracting Polynomials
See how Goldfish & Robin multiply polynomials in this video where kids explain math to kids.
Can we multiply polynomials? You bet!
Here’s the polynomial 2x2−x+1.
If we want to multiply this polynomial by 3 we just have to replace each dot and each antidot with three copies of it. (We want to triple all the quantities we see.)
We literally see that 3(2x2−x+1) is 6x2−3x+3.
Suppose we wish to multiply 2x2−x+1 by −3 instead. This means we want the anti-version of tripling all the quantities we see. So each dot in the picture of 2x2−x+1 is to be replaced with three antidots and each antidot with three dots.
We have −3(2x2−x+1)=−6x2+3x−3. We could also say that −3(2x2−x+1) is the anti-version of 3(2x2−x+1).
Now suppose we wish to multiply 2x2−x+1 by x+1. Since x+1 looks like this
we need to replace each dot in the picture of 2x2−x+1 with one-dot-and-one-dot, and each antidot with the anti-version of this, which is one-antidot-and-one-antidot. (This is now getting fun!)
After some annihilations we see that (x+1)×(2x2−x+1) equals 2x3+x2+1.
Now let’s multiply 2x2−x+1 with x−2, which looks like this.
Each dot is to be replaced by one-dot-and-two-antidots, and each antidot with the opposite of this.
We see (x−2)(2x2−x+1)=2x3−5x2+3x−2.
Okay, you’re turn. Try 2x2−x+1 times 2x2+3x−1. Do you get this picture? (I’ve not colored it this time!) Do you see the answer 4x4+4x3−3x2+4x−1?
The process here is no different from the long multiplication of lesson 3.6, but one might have to contend with antidots now.
Adding and subtracting in base x is just like adding and subtracting in base 10. And it is easier in fact! Since we don’t know the value of x we will never explode dots. That is, we never need to perform “carries” as one does in base 10 arithmetic!
We can draw dots and boxes pictures of these in an 1←x machine if we like.

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