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Exploding Dots

8.4 Multiplying and Dividing Decimals

Lesson materials located below the video overview.

Even though the addition and subtraction of decimals is straightforward in a 110 machine, performing multiplication and division on them can be awkward. The trouble is that the 110 machine is based on whole dots, not parts of dots, and so it is tricky to make easy sense of pictures.  But there are ways to play with dots-and-boxes nonetheless.



We can certainly do some basic multiplication. For example, a picture of dots and boxes shows that 2.615×7 equals 14.42|7|35.

With explosions, this becomes 18.305. (Check this!)


We can also explain a rule that students are taught to memorize:


If you multiply a decimal by 10, just shift the decimal point one place to the right.


For example, 3.42×10 gives the answer 30|10.40|20. With explosions, this becomes 314.20 and the answer looks as though we just shifted the decimal point. (Most people leave off the final zero.)

By the way, if you multiply a number a little larger than 31 by ten, you should get an answer a little larger than 310. Memorizing the direction of travel of a decimal point is unnecessary.


13. Explain why multiplying a decimal by 100 has the same effect as shifting the decimal point two places? (Do you need to memorize the direction of the shift?)


We can also multiply decimals by decimals, but now the work is getting less fun. We need to follow the same approach as we did when we explored long multiplication in chapter 3.


Let’s do an example. Consider 2.15×0.3.


Here’s what 2.15 looks like.

Here’s what 0.3 looks like: it’s three dots to the right of where one dot should be.


So to compute 2.15×0.3 we need to replace each dot that appears in the picture of 2.15 with three dots to the right of where that dot should be. Doing so gives this picture.

We see the answer 0.6|3|15, or  after an explosion 0.645.


So multiplication with decimals is doable, but awkward. It is actually easier, in practice, to go back to basic arithmetic and work with decimals as fractions. For example,








We also see the effect of multiplying a decimal by ten this way. For example





14. Compute 0.04×0.5 and compute 1000×0.0385.




Consider 0.08÷0.005.


To do this problem I could try drawing a picture of 0.08 in a 110 machine and attempt to make sense of finding groups of 0.005 in that picture, that is groups of five dots three places to the right of where they should be. Although possible to do, it seems hard to keep straight in my head and it makes my brain hurt!


Here’s a piece of advice from a mathematician: Avoid hard work!  Mathematicians will, in fact, work very hard to avoid hard work!


Since converting decimals to fractions makes the multiplication of fractions easier, let’s do the same thing for division.


Here are some examples.


Example: Examine 0.08÷0.005.


A fraction is a number that is an answer to a division problem. And, conversely, we can think of a division problem as a fraction. For example, the quantity 0.08÷0.005 is really this “fraction”




(It is okay to have non-whole numbers as numerators and denominators of fractions.)


To make this fraction look friendlier, let’s multiply the top and bottom by factors of ten.





The division problem 805 is much friendlier. It has the answer 16. (Use a 110 machine now to compute it if you like!)


Example: Examine 8.5100.


Dividing by 100 is the same as multiplying by 1100. So, 8.5100, for example, can be thought of as




Of course, we can also think of this as 8.5×10100×10=851000, which seems more direct. (All correct paths in mathematics are good and correct!)


Example: Examine 1.51÷0.07.


If I was asked to compute 1.51÷0.07, I would personally do this problem instead:




I see the answer 2147.  If that same person asked me to give the answer as a decimal, then I would have to convert the fraction 47 into a decimal. And that is possible. The next section explains how!


15. Explain why the answer to 0.9÷10 must be 0.09.

      Explain why the answer to 2.34÷1000 must be 0.00234.

      Explain why the answer to 40.04÷0.01 must be 4004.


16. Compute 0.7525.


17. Let’s put it all together. Here are some unpleasant computations. Do you want to try evaluating them?

a) 0.3×(5.372.07)

b) 0.1+(1.010.1)0.11+0.09

c) (0.002+0.2×2.02)(2.20.22)2.220.22




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