Global Math Project Experiences
4.2 MATH IS ___ Student Posters
Have you seen our MATH IS __ video? It gives me goosebumps of joy each and every time I view it. Do check it out!
How would you complete the sentence: “Math is ___”?
During Global Math Week (Oct 10-17), we are inviting math enthusiasts everywhere to make a poster with the words “MATH IS” followed by their answer and the hashtag #gmw2021.
Would you care to make a poster too and add to the excitement?
We ask you to take a photo of your poster–with nothing more than the poster showing–and send it our way at [email protected]. We’ll happily then post it on social media for you.
Feel free to be mighty creative!
1. It is tempting to take photos with humans holding up the poster or with humans in the background. This is fine unless some of those humans are less than 18 years old and can be identified by appearance or context. If identifiable minors appear, then complete this form for each minor in the photo and submit those forms along with the photo to us via email.
2. GMP is, of course, looking for respectful and uplifting messaging.
3. If you choose to post your photo on social media on your own accord, then you are accepting full responsibility on issues of copyright, appearance of minors, appropriateness of content, and such, and completely and utterly indemnify the Global Math Project of all connection to this action.

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