Global Math Project Experiences
8.1 Context of these Notes
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Live workshops: VIRTUAL THINKINS
Many high-school curricula are bringing in more and more material on matrices because their applications are being seen as vital in STEM fields. Items 1 and 2 might be standard in some curricula, but items 3, 4, and 5 are not.
1. Matrices and their Arithmetic
2. Geometric Transformations
3. The Problem of Large Powers: Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, and Diagonalization
4. Markov Processes
5. Coupled Linear Differential Equations
The thinking behind this content is subtle and hard.
Why do we multiply matrices the strange way we do (rows of the first, columns of the second)?
Why do we suddenly start writing points in the plane as columns rather than as coordinate rows ?
Why should we care about eigenvectors? Where do they naturally arise and what made someone want to look for them in the first place?
Why is a two-dimensional Markov processes sure to settle to a steady state? (What is a Markov process?)
For INTHINKING I have collated video notes and practice material to provide the opportunity to review, grapple with, and master the subtle issues that arise. The goal is to provide absolute mathematical clarity to the claims, mysteries, and confusions that usually arise. We do not skimp on the math!
As such, these notes are purely focused on understanding the mathematics. Personal depth of mathematical knowledge is vital for making informed pedagogical choices when working with your students–and for teaching with confidence and joy!
See THINK IB for access to all the materials at any time, and check out the VIRTUAL THINKINS for live workshops I give on this material.

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