The Astounding Power of Area
3.2 Level 0 and Level 1 Quadratics (and a taste of Level 2)
[This material appears in Section 2 of the full course on Quadratics.]
Let’s now explain the quadatus method for solving quadratic equations. We’ll start with quadratic equations that are overtly connected to squares and tweak our sophistication from there.
Just a few examples should do it.
EXAMPLE: Solve \(x^{2}=100\).
Answer: Easy. \(x=10\) or \(x=-10\).
The only possible difficulty here is to remember that, in algebra, positive quantities have two square roots. (See the comment in lesson 2.1.)
EXAMPLE: Solve \(w^{2}=36\).
Answer: Easy. \(w=6\) or \(w=-6\).
EXAMPLE: Solve \(x^{2}=17\).
Answer: Okay, not as pretty but just as easy: \(x=\sqrt{17}\) or \(x= -\sqrt{17}\).
EXAMPLE: Solve \(x^{2}=0\).
Answer: Zero is the only number with just one square root. We have \( x=0\) .
EXERCISE 1: Solve:
a) \(x^{2}=121\).
b) \(p^{2} = 40\).
c) \(y^{2} + 5 = 14\).
d) \( 2x^{2} = 50\).
e) \(x^{2}=-6\).
EXERCISE 2: Leela was asked to solve \(x^{2}=1\). She wrote: \(x=\sqrt 1\) or \(x=-\sqrt 1 \). What do you think of her answer?
Up a slight notch in trickiness.
EXAMPLE: Solve \((x+3)^{2}=100\).
Answer: This problem is saying “Something squared is \(100\). ” So the something must be \(10\) or \(-10\). That is:
\(x+3=10\) or \(x+3=-10\)
\(x=7\) or \(x=-13\).
EXAMPLE: Solve \((y-4)^{2} = 25\).
Answer: We have:
\(y-4=5\) or \(y-4=-5\)
\(y=9\) or \(y=-1\).
WARNING! Many like to answer these questions using the \(\pm\) symbol. But there is a potential danger as it is tempting to write the following:
\(y-4=\pm 5\)
\(y=\pm 9\)
Do you see the danger? This is why I personally prefer to write things out and make sure I am thinking through everything carefully.
\(y-4=5\) or \(y-4 = -5\)
\(y=9\) or \(y=-1\)
This is now very clear and very correct. It never hurts to take an extra two seconds for the sake of clarity.
EXAMPLE: Solve \(4(p+2)^{2}-16=0\).
Answer: Add 16
Divide though by 4
to see
\(p+2=2\) or \(p+2=-2\).
This yields
\(p=0\) or \(p=-4\).
EXAMPLE: Solve \((x+7)^{2}+9=0\).
Answer: We have \((x+7)^{2}=-9\). In the system of real numbers, it is impossible for a quantity squared to be negative. This equation has no solution. (But if you like to work with complex numbers …)
EXAMPLE: Solve \((x-1)^{2}=5\).
Answer: We have
\(x-1=\sqrt 5\) or \(x-1=-\sqrt 5\)
\(x=1+\sqrt 5\) or \(x=1-\sqrt 5\).
EXAMPLE: Solve \((x+3)^{2}=49\).
Answer: We have
\(x+3=7\) or \(x+3=-7\)
\(x=4\) or \(x=-10\).
EXERCISE 3: Solve.
a) \((x-1)^{2}=64\)
b) \((p-3)^{2}=16\)
c) \((y+1)^{2}-2=23\)
d) \(3(x-900)^{2}=300\)
e) \((x-\sqrt 2)^{2}=5\)
a) How many solutions does \((x+7)^{2}=0\) possess? What are they?
b) How many solutions does \((x+7)^{2}=-2\) have? What are they?
Here’s a conceptual leap!
EXAMPLE: Solve \(x^{2} + 6x+9=49\).
Answer: If one is extremely clever one might realize that this is a repeat of the example \(\left(x+3\right)^{2}=49\) we just did: the quantity \(x^{2} + 6x+9=49\) happens to equal \((x+3)^{2}\).
To check this, work out \((x+3) \times (x+3)\) as the area of a square divided into four pieces to see it is \(x^{2} + 6x+9=49\) in disguise.
So the challenge
Solve \(x^{2} + 6x+9=49\)
is indeed the previous example
Solve \((x+3)^{2} =49\)
in disguise. We have:
\(x+3=7\) or \(x+3=-7\)
\(x=4\) or \(x=-10\).
The challenge in level 2 is to recognize more complicated expressions as easy level 1 problems in disguise.
We’ll do this next.

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